Diaspora, Migration, Entwicklungszusammenarbeit, Kultur, Klimagerechtigkeit, Globales Lernen, Feminismus, Faire und Nachhaltige Wirtschaft, Dekolonialisierung, Antirassismus, Vernetzungstreffen

Kick-Off Networking Event for the pilot project: “3 city partners of Berlin in exchange with civil society”

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear interested parties,

since July 2024, a civil society pilot project has been underway to enhance the city partnerships between Berlin and Jakarta, Mexico City, and Windhoek. This pilot project includes three SouthNorth partner tandems, consisting of three Berlin-based NGOs (Afrika-Rat Berlin-Brandenburg, México vía Berlín, Watch Indonesia) paired with one NGO in each partner city (Namibia Institute for Democracy, Casa Tochan, WALHI Indonesia). Coordinators in each of the four cities are dedicated to fostering these partnerships. The Berliner Entwicklungspolitischer Ratschlag oversees the overall coordination of the project in Berlin.

In September, all coordinators will convene for a Kick-Off Meeting in Berlin. To mark the launch of this project, we are delighted to invite you to our Kick-Off Networking Event. This gathering will provide an opportunity to introduce the project and its main actors, and to discuss potential forms of collaboration within the city partnerships framework.

The event will be held in English. Please indicate needs for translation into German in the registration form.


1. Presentation of the project and the actors involved with Q&A

2. Separate exchange rounds on the three city partnerships

3. Joint conclusion with dinner and opportunity for further informal discussions (from 6pm)

Please register until the 12.09.2024 under the following link: https://eveeno.com/kick-off-event

If you have any questions, please contact us at: 3-staepa@eineweltstadt.berlin

The event will be filmed and photographed for audiovisual documentation. The recordings may also be published later.

We look forward to exchanging ideas with you!

With best regards Your project team

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