Bauausschreibung metall works

Information nach § 20 (3) VOB/A über die Erteilung eines Auftrages


Berlin Global Village gGmbH
Am Sudhaus 2,
12053 Berlin


freihändige Vergabe
⃝ x beschränkte Ausschreibung ohne Teilnahmewettbewerb 



Ort der Ausführung:

Am Sudhaus 2, 12053 Berlin
auf dem Gelände von Berlin Global Village

Name des beauftragten Unternehmens:

Fittkau Metallgestaltung GmbH
Darßer Bogen 1
12053 Berlin

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Federal Voluntary Service

decolonial memorial

Prof. Dr. Walter D. Mignolo visits the Berlin Global Village

He is one of the leading thinkers in decolonial theory and showed particular interest in the Decolonial Memorial that is currently being built in front of our building.

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Concrete work


center news

Job advertisement

Federal Voluntary Service

decolonial memorial

Prof. Dr. Walter D. Mignolo visits the Berlin Global Village

He is one of the leading thinkers in decolonial theory and showed particular interest in the Decolonial Memorial that is currently being built in front of our building.

center news


Concrete work