Heimlich/ Unheimlich

Heimlich/ Unheimlich

steel sculpture with video and sound elements

Romy Achituv, USA
Material: steel/ technical equipment
Location: Installation featuring a steel ship-like sculpture accompanied by an audio element and two projections in the inner corner of the new building

»Heimlich/Unheimlic« delves into the repercussions of German colonialism. Modeled after the SMS Sperber, a German imperial cruiser tied to suppressing revolts in Zanzibar and Namibia, the sculpture is positioned at a dynamic angle, evoking a marooned relic resurfacing from history.


The monumental yet intimate piece features two high-resolution video projections, one visible in the evening on the hull's exterior and the other in a shaded inner alcove. The projections depict waves washing onto a seashore, revealing an ever-changing collage of images related to German colonial history. This includes archival photographs and contemporary content addressing the African refugee crisis. Each wave metaphorically erases one composition, exposing another, mirroring the cyclic dynamics of repression and emphasizing the disturbing aspects of German colonialism. An audio element of crashing waves adds to the immersive experience.


A QR code links to information about the visuals. The media selection and composition are generated in real-time from an expanding archive. In a politically charged context, the dynamic nature of the installation ensures a continually fresh and surprising display, offering viewers an emotive reconnection with history. The potential fabrication at the Imperial Dockyard in Danzig/Gdansk, where the original SMS Sperber was built, adds an uncanny historical connection

Link to Artist Page


Object title Heimlich/ Unheimlich
Material steel/ technical equipment
Name Romy Achituv