IN LAK’ECH (I am you and you are me)

IN LAK’ECH (I am you and you are me)

mural painting

Ingrid Cuestas, Kolumbien
Material: water-based varnish
Location: Mural painting on the New Building Wall and on the rooftop of the entrance

The mural painting project remembers on a Mayan greeting, embodying decolonial love and Earth's healing. Inspired by Berlin Global Village as a »melting pot of different kind of organizations«, this project pays homage to life's wisdom influenced by Ayahuasca and sacred plants globally. The artwork reveals a magical scene where nature imparts life's purpose, emphasizing interconnectedness, biodiversity, and respect. Decolonial love, rooted in wild forest sacred medicines, opposes historical colonial practices by European/ transnational pharmaceutic and food industries in the Global South.


Alchemist plants like Ayahuasca traverse borders, reconnecting humanity to roots and fostering unity with Earth and the Cosmos. The mural on the entrance's rooftop features a golden Ayahuasca braid which goes up towards the left building transforming into the Tree of Life, symbolizing a cosmic garden with diverse magical, sacred, medicinal, and edible plants. Emblematic birds as Coracias Caudata from Africa, Trochilidae from America, Hirundo Rustica, and totem animals from different continents gather in communion. The scene implores a wake-up call from the illusion of separation, accentuating the interconnectedness of all beings. The branches, reaching towards the sky as roots from above, symbolize life and vitality. 


This memorial serves as a reminder that decoloniality is an active process, a stance, and a living reality in constant evolution, transformation, and community development. It celebrates beauty as a supreme quality of nature where every expression of life is sacred, emphasizing forgiveness as the key to human freedom.

Link to artist page


Object title IN LAK’ECH (I am you and you are me)
Material water-based varnish
Name Ingrid Cuestas