Der Kristallwächter/ The Crystal Sentinel

Der Kristallwächter/ The Crystal Sentinel

illuminated sculpture

Ade Adekola, Nigeria
Material: steel/ LED
Location The sculpture is located in front of the entrance beside the ramp

The illuminated sculpture consists of a glass core and a protective structure from corten steel, and two titanium pyramids with holes to let the light through. The sculpture is inspired by Namibian crystals and African weaving. As a sentinel over the questions of decolonisation, it stands in front of the Global Village entrance. The Scorodite crystals are prismatic, and they change colour depending on the viewing angle. The sculpture uses the principle of crystals and illuminates the glass core in random colours with LED lights. It could be the flag colours of the colonised countries, or the influence of an artificial intelligence programmed to detect progressive and regressive developments of decolonisation on the Internet and relay them by means of the sentinel.


In reaction to progressive events, the pyramid at the top will light, whereas the pyramid at the bottom will light in reaction to negative events. »The sentinel stands between the past and presence, tradition and progress, memory and absolution, commemoration and celebration. With its upside-down pyramid, it kisses the sky and touches the earth. Its five sections represent the framework for decolonialisation i.e. rediscovery, mourning, dreaming, commitment and action.« Accordingly, all countries colonised by Germany will be engraved into the plinth area of the sculpture. Into the ceiling and floor panels, the words REDISCOVERY, MOURNING, DREAMING, COMMITMENT and ACTION will be lasered.


In addition, 32 commemorative plaques will be installed in the front and rear of the entrance area. These plaques commemorate Martin Dibobe’s actions who in 1919, addressed a petition to the Weimar Republic and thus introduced the beginning of decolonisation in Germany. The plaques are a reminder of important events in German colonial history. Augmented Reality will be added to the plaques, which can be changed every six months or once a year. This way, schools or other educational institutions could be linked to the memorial.

Link to artist page


Object title Der Kristallwächter / The Crystal Sentinel
Material steel/ LED
Name Ade Adekola