Digital Hub Conference


Start Date: Sept. 30, 2024, 9 a.m.

End Date: Sept. 30, 2024, 4 p.m.


  • Miriam Makeba Hall

Cost: None

Registration Link: Link

Organizer: Lorena Richter Referentin für Digitales

Organizer Email:

Organizer Phone: +493068900400


Welcome to the Digital Hub Conference 2024!

We are pleased to invite you to a day of innovation, networking and exploration at the Digital Hub Conference on September 30, 2024. This event is designed to bring together leaders and innovators from different sectors to address digitalization from a global justice perspective and ensure that our discussions and initiatives promote fairness and equity worldwide.

In addition, we are bringing together the network of non-profit and socially-minded organizations that are collectively shaping the future Digital Hub at the Berlin Global Village.

For this event we have our key partners present and many more experts:

•    Black in Tech gUG
•    Global Innovation Gathering e.V.
•    Impact Hub GmbH
•    Mediale Pfade e.V.
•    EPIZ e.V.
•    Bamenda Film School
•    Brot für die Welt e.V.
•    New Hope and Light e.V. 
•    and many more

Event Highlights:

  • Panel Talk: Engage with thought leaders on the future of digital transformation.
  • Workshops: Participate in in-depth sessions covering the following topics:
    • Virtual – Reality: Experience „Weltraum“ and VR technology using the Digital Hub as an example of possible applications and concrete planning.
    • Artificial – Intelligence: Learn about the latest advances and transformative impact of AI and how it is being used to make everyday working life easier.
    • Digital – Media: Skills and questions about the political background of digital media and the use of these to achieve fairness and justice.
    • Marginalized in Digitalisation: Understanding the tpocs of an inclusive development in creating an equitable digital future.
    • Lokal – Networks: Discussing the policies necessary for digital ecosystems and ethical considerations how local initiatives can drive collaboration on democracy.


The full program will be published here soon.


Why Attend?

  • Network: Connect with peers and industry leaders.
  • Learn: Gain valuable insights from experts in the field.
  • Experience: Participate in hands-on workshops and demonstrations.
  • Contribute: Be a part of shaping the future of digital technology.


Translation Services:

To ensure a seamless experience for all participants, translation services will be available for German-English and English-German.


We look forward to welcoming you to an inspiring and productive day at the Digital Hub Conference 2024.

Join us at the forefront of digital transformation and make an impact on the future!